The GoGlobal Blog


Al Iltalia!

Al Iltalia!

While I (or rather my friend) upload pictures and gather thoughts for actual blog posts on actual happenings, let me share with you some wonderful things I highly enjoy about Itlay. (These kinds of things usually cause me to shout “Al Italia” to my friends or state “We are in ROME“)

1) Gelato.  It really is fantastic and delicious. But something I really like about gelato here, everyone eats it. Not just tourists like me who drool over each gellateria they see, but actual local Italians. It is truly a delicious cultural experience. With gelato, one can also say food is a favorite thing here. Pizza and pasta galore, truly.

2) History. I am a sucker for history. I have had many conversations about how Americans simply can’t grasp the history in places like this because it is simply SO OLD. American history goes back, at the max, to Colombus sailing the ocean blue in 1492. Here, you can literally walk in a 2000 year old building (Pantheon) and experience culture also thousands of years in the making. I am constantly in awe of this knowledge and stop and think every now and then that Caesar could have walked where I am walking, MichealAngelo could have experienced the same view of the Vatican I am, or any other counltess and mind blowing thing. That alone is worth travels to Europe, let alone Italy.

3) Italians. They really do kiss each other on both cheeks with a ciao. They really do takes HOURS to eat. They really do NOT form lines for buses and trains. They really are sweet and willing to chat. They really do gesture quite a bit. They really do siesta in the afternoon. And they really are the laid back, enjoyable people who understand Il doce far niente, the sweetness of doing nothing. In my experience, anyway.

Those are just a few of things I am loving and continue to love while here in Rome.

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