The GoGlobal Blog


First Weeks in Rome

First Weeks in Rome

Well, I have just started blogging for the Office of International Programs at Loyola! So I apologize, but I will try to catch you all up on almost a month of activities in Rome!

I really can’t believe that it has been almost a month since I got to Rome! It really seems like I have not been here for that long. Rome is absolutely beautiful, and so is Loyola’s campus! We are situated on top of Monte Mario, the highest hill in Rome, in the Balduina neighborhood, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Rome. At first I thought I would never be able to navigate the streets or bus stops of Rome, but after getting lost almost a million times I am starting to learn my way around.There are many differences between here and the U.S., but I haven’t had too hard of a time getting used to them. The climate change may be the hardest adjustment. I was told to expect only about two weeks of summer weather, that is SOOO wrong! It is really really hot here! Also, everything is done so much later here. Just walking in the center of Rome you will see people with children sitting down to dinner at 10p.m. It’s not hard to adjust though when your earliest class starts at 11:30 am!

I am really enjoying my time here and the time I have spent away from Rome. For our orientation trip we went to the Umbria region of Italy. It was an amazing time! We visited four different cities, learned how coins, paper, silk, and candles were made in the medieval times, went to a wine tasting, and ate some amazing food! I am looking forward to exploring more of Rome and the other regions of Italy, as well as the other countries I will be traveling to. This Thursday I head to Munich, Germany for Oktoberfest! So excited! That concludes my first blog post! I will try to update it when I can!

Until then, Ciao for now!



Loyola’s Campus

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