The GoGlobal Blog


A Little Bump in the Road

A Little Bump in the Road


I have officially been in Madrid, Spain for over a week now, yet I feel like this has been my home for months. Unfortunately, I left my purse in a taxi on day 2. Of course, my passport, phone, and wallet were in the purse. It has been quite the process getting everything replaced. Study abroad lesson of the day: always double check that you have everything! Other than that unfortunate incident, Madrid has been awesome! The people, language and way of life are refreshing!

A little about me…  I am sophomore at Loyola and absolutely love it there. It was hard for me to imaging leaving for a semester, but I could not pass up the opportunity to study abroad. I am majoring in Advertising and Public Relations and hope to complete my Spanish minor while in Spain. Deciding where to study abroad was a fairly easy process for me. I knew that I wanted to study in a Spanish speaking country. I decided on Spain due to the accessibility to other countries. I finally decided upon Madrid because it is the largest city in Spain. I chose to go to school at Loyola because I love urban environments, so Madrid was a natural transition.

I have been very happy with USAC, the program I am studying abroad through. The staff picked me up at the airport and brought me to the orientation hotel. The first few days were set aside for group orientations. Everything was very organized and continues to be. USAC organized a group walking tour for the second day to help familiarize us with Madrid. It helped me become confident traveling around Madrid on my own.

I hope my posts will be of some use!

¡Hasta luego!

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