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Cheap as Dirt- Granada, Spain!

Cheap as Dirt- Granada, Spain!

This past weekend my roommate, Yarden, and I took a spontaneous trip to Granada, Spain. After a 5 hour bus-ride we arrived at our hostel in the Arab district, which was absolutely phenomenal. The streets leading to the hostel were cobblestone and lined with many little Arab vendor shops with leather goods, mosaic tiles, jewelry, hookah, and henna. The first day we enjoyed tapas and tinto (wine and Sprite) at a little restaurant called Babel. After, we explored the city and stopped by a monastery with beautiful grounds that overlook the city and mountains. We then walked around the grounds of the Arab castle Alhambra, but not before having a glass of sangria at the Alhambra terrace. We also climbed to Mirador San Nicolas, a famous lookout point, and watched the sun set over the city and behind Alhambra. Sitting there and enjoying this beautiful sight was definitely one of the highlights of the weekend. We were also fortunate enough to be able to visit Alhambra and explored inside and around the grounds of the castle. There is a huge garden attached, called Generalife, and is a terrace of plants and flowers atop the mountain. That night, we climbed to the highest peak of the city to a church, which is another common lookout point for sunset lovers. The cobblestone/all stairs hike was a workout, but being able to see the sunset over the mountains and the entirety of the city was an incredible reward. The night before we left we went out with Yarden’s two friends who were visiting Granada as well and had tapas, sangria, and a fishbowl. Every time I ordered something, I would stare in amazement at the low cost of the receipt.

My favorite meal of the trip was a falafel and shawarma pita with yogurt sauce in the Arab nation. How I missed out on trying this savory meal before is beyond me…

The most interesting meal I have had while abroad was in Granada. Yarden and I split a meal of prime rib strips. The strips were served raw with fatty strips of meat accompanying them on a hot platter, and we had to “grease” the hot platter with the fatty strips of meat and then place the prime rib cuts onto the pan and flip them as they cooked. We had to work for our meal, but it was extra satisfying when the steak finally cooked. The prime rib was mouthwatering.

Things I have learned:

-Getting lost is part of the fun.

-Not having a plan is also part of the fun.

-Granada is FILLED with young people, and is similar to a college town.

-Spaniards have no sense of sidewalk space- They walk SLOW, with linked arms, making it almost impossible to pass.

-Time is going by too fast. In about a month I will be home.

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