The GoGlobal Blog


Fall Break and stuff

Fall Break and stuff

So yes, I realize I am the world’s worst blogger at this point but you’re just going to have to forgive me because not only has Rome captured my heart it has also captured most of my spare time. That, and it’s midterms week(s) so yeah, sorry everybody.

Fall break was absolutely amazing. I met my lovely parents in Venice to kick things off. Don’t get me wrong, I love living here but it was really great to see my parents- seeing them made me realize how homesick I am at times but also how much I have already grown throughout this adventure. Day 1 of Venice we spent avoiding the rain, touring the insanely gorgeous San Marco Church, trying some strange cuisine (pasta with cuddlefish ink sauce anybody?), and traveling by boat. everywhere. Venice is absolutely beautiful with it’s waterways, singing gondoliers, and beautiful art. While I kind of felt seasick the entirety of the time, I fell in love with how romantic this city is, particularly at night when all the lights reflect down the canals.

We spent 3 days in Venice and then took a highspeed train to Florence. Florence was an entirely different kind of beautiful and gave me another reason to love Italy. Florence is very much how I imagined Italy to be, it’s a quaint little town with gorgeous scenery and even more astonishing works of art. The highlights of this trip were the Uffizi Muesuem, Michaelangelo’s David (breathtaking), and the LEATHER. Determined to get ourselves some gorgeous Italian leather, my mother and I scoured the leather markets for a good half of the day in search of the perfect bags and I can very happily say we found them. I’m starting to get more comfortable haggling prices with the vendors so I put my skills to use and knocked the prices of our new purses down quite a bit. It was an extremely sastisfying day. We also checked out the impressive Duomo, enjoyed the Chianti Classico that Florence is known for, and walked around Ponte Vecchio.

As much as I loved Venice and Florence my favorite part of fall break was showing my parents ROME (we spent the last few days here). I have come to consider this place home and I enjoyed showing my parents all of my favorite spots.

that is all.



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