The GoGlobal Blog


International Living in an International City

International Living in an International City

Over the past few weeks I have ventured out to explore more of Beijing. Most of the time people in our group end up going to Sanlitun, the embassy district where there are many international stores and international people. Almost every time I am out I meet someone from a new country ranging from Russia, the Congo, Germany and Pakistan. On average every expat or international traveler I meet speaks 3 languages and has lived in at least 2 different countries excluding their home country.

There are some people who go on dates of business meetings and everyone speaks different languages and Chinese is their common ground. It’s so fascinating to realize how international Beijing is. Even though about 1% of Beijing’s population are international compared to 20% in New York, the community that is present among expats appears much stronger. There are not separate areas for each ethnicity, but rather just common gathering areas for all nationalities. I’m picking up bits and pieces of new languages while studying intensive Chinese. Everyone is very willing to help and have amazing connections within China and around the world from being so well traveled.

I never thought about living internationally until studying abroad in China. Living as an expat can be extremely challenging, but also very rewarding. The people you meet and the community and support you develop between one another is unlike any relationships I have back in the United States.

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