The GoGlobal Blog


Roma Roma Roma

Roma Roma Roma

So… I know I’ve been a particularly bad blogger considering we are already into week 4 and I haven’t even tried to tell you all of the wonderful things I have been up to in Rome! That’s the thing though, there is so much to do in Rome and between classes and exploring, there has barely been a minute to catch my breath, so forgive me.

Orientation week was… exhausting, but 100% necessary. The Sla’s kept us constantly going with jam packed days. We went on tours of the neighborhood we live in (Monte Mario), had a scavengar hunt downtown (the Pantheon and St. Peter’s basilica were just 2 of the stops on the hunt…), had crash courses in Italian so we could survive the first week before classes officially kicked off, went to the Colloseum and Forum, and ate a lot of gelato. I don’t think I’ve ever been more exhausted than during orientation week but it was an awesome welcome to an even better city. We ended orientation week with a trip to Umbria, where we got to explore these awesome little towns that one usually expects to find in Italy (Rome is defintitely a biiig city, not a cute little village.)

Classes started on the 2nd of september and so far they are great. I am taking Writing in Rome, Church in the World, Italian 101, and Intro to Opera. I am beyond impressed with the professors here, they are incredibly talented and intelligent people. My writing class is easily my favorite as it is onsite. We generally read short stories set in Rome before class and then spend class visiting the sites mentioned in the stories. It’s pretty awesome to be in the same locations these writers were inspired by.

So far the highlight of this week was definitely the start of Calcio! I was weary at first because I haven’t played soccer since I was in middle school but I’m really glad I signed up for it. Most of the students here participate in Calcio; we get together every wednesday and have ourselves some good ol’ Italian soccer matches. Afterward everyone heads to a local restuarant for pizza and beer; it doesn’t get much better than that. While my body feels slightly broken, Calcio was a much needed energy release from the past few weeks. Don’t get me wrong, Rome is beyond incredible, but when you live with 180 students and you all take class in the same place that you live, tension eventually starts to build up 🙂

This weekendend I am heading out to Naples for a day trip, and then moving onto the Amalfi coast before it gets too cold!

I will write again once I get back from the weekend!



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