
Day 27: The Final Week

Day 27: The Final Week

It’s my final week in Roma and I must say, I am going to miss this place. Before I get all sentimental, let me tell you all about my last couple of days in the beautiful city of Rome…

After getting back from Paris, all I could really think about was my boyfriend coming to visit in just 2 days! Tuesday finally arrives and he arrived in Rome safe and sound 🙂 After Brian arrived I showed him around JFRC and ventured to the city. Because he only had 4 days in Rome, we ran around the city as I tried to show him everything I could before we had to meet my class at the theater. My Italian professor thought it would be cool if we saw Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet in Italian at a theater that was modeled after the Shakespeare Globe Theater. Now, I know very little Italian, but it was so beautiful and really amazing to see the performance even in a foreign language.

Over the next couple of days Brian and I did A LOT of sight seeing! The Vatican, St. Peter’s, the Colosseum, the Roman Ruins and much much more. But, I managed to take him to everything that I had seen over the past 4 weeks in 4 days! I had a blast showing him around Rome and being able to experience everything with him 🙂 Sadly, those last 4 days flew by and before we knew it we were getting ready for the farewell dinner.

The farewell dinner was at a beautiful restaurant in Balduina called The View, and it definitely lived up to its name! The whole restaurant looked over the city and the food was fantastic! Having dinner as a campus one last time was so much fun. Eating, drinking wine and talking about the past month was the perfect end to the perfect trip. I had the time of my life in Italy! I met some amazing people that I never would have met (even though we went to the same school) and I went on so many adventures and created countless memories. Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I ever made, because it gave me a chance to see the world and the different cultures within it and experience it with new friends. It was my first time going to Rome, but not my last. I was so sad to leave Rome, but extremely excited for what was ahead. Brian and I were traveling to London in the morning and I couldn’t wait. I said good bye to all of my new friends and my home for the past 4 weeks and off to London we went! Arrivederci Roma! I’ll be back!!

And, as a parting note, I just want to say…All of you out there that are questioning studying abroad, your only question should be “where?!” It is the experience of a life time and you will never regret it. I know I never will 🙂

Romeo & Juliet in Italian

At the Colosseum!

The “six pack” at The View of the farewell dinner… and Professore Martinez haha.

Roman Ruins.
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