
Day 11: Mio Compleanno!!

Day 11: Mio Compleanno!!

Yes, I got to turn 21 while in Rome and it was awesome! I was worried about being away on my birthday for the first time, but I had an amazing night with my peeps at JFRC. I won’t bore you will ALLLL of the details of my night, but I will give you the headlines.

My day started of kinda dreary actually… I had a quiz in my mythology class (which was weird because I have NEVER had class on my birthday), my lunch was so-so, I had to sit through MORE class after that, and I still hadn’t picked what I wanted to do to celebrate. My 21st birthday was looking kinda sad to be honest. BUT! I was sitting in my last class for the day when all of a sudden I hear “delivery for Kelly Ahlman,” and everyone started singing Happy Birthday. I look up, very confused, and see the largest bouquet for roses I have ever seen! My loving boyfriend ordered flowers for me all the way from Wisconsin 🙂 My day was officially made and I couldn’t even concentrate through the rest of my class.

After classes were over I scrambled to find a vase. I ended up using the garbage can from my friend’s room, very effective actually. We all got ready and headed for Roma. I decided to go to one of my favorite places, Piazza Navona, for dinner and we went to the first restaurant that had tiramisu on the menu (my only requirement for the night). I of course got all of my favorites, bruschette, tortellini, and tiramisu (and some vino bianco for the table) 😉 We all had a great time watching the street performers dance and play the guitars and accordions. After dinner I made my birthday wish in the Trevi Fountain and then we went to Campo di Fiori for some drinks and fun. Great birthday in Italia!

My spinach tortellini
Birthday tiramisu
Making wishes in the Trevi
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