The GoGlobal Blog


Festival de San Juan

Festival de San Juan

“If you are going to Malaga that weekend, you have to be there for Sunday night for Festival de San Juan”. And that was exactly what we did! After sleeping in on Sunday after La Noche Blanca de Flamenco, we got on the bus and made the 3 hour ride to Malaga, which is located in southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea.

Group picture at the Festival

The festival traditions to celebrate the summer solstice  included:

– jumping into the sea at midnight to wash away the past year and bring good luck for the next coming year.

-writing down your bad habits from the past and tossing them into the flames of a fire

-jumping over those flames 3 times (or 6 or 9) for good luck

-releasing a paper lantern into the sky (something out of the movie Tangled)


There was no doubt (maybe a little when it came to jumping over the flames) that those of us who went to Malaga participated in all these traditions!

The music and people lasted well into the night and a few of us stayed the next day as well to enjoy some sun and beach!


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