
Day 6: Welcome Mass and Dinner

Day 6: Welcome Mass and Dinner

Ciao tutti! As expected my study abroad in Roma is going very well. The first week of classes has ended and that means it’s time for the welcome mass and dinner!! 🙂 We had a beautiful private mass at San Ignazio di Loyola, which is a stunning church near downtown Roma. Following the mass, we all headed to an amazing roman restaurant with the whole campus. Dinner included a four-course meal and molto vino (a lot of wine 😉 ). Each course was better than the next, but I will say that my favorite course was the “pear pasta.” Yes. I said pear. I know it sounds a little odd, but trust me, it is so delicious! We also had gelato for desert (of course).

A little advise of any of you planning on studying abroad… GO ON CAMPUS PLANNED TRIPS AND EVENTS! You technically already paid for them in your tuition and they are actually really fun and a great way to get to know all of the students in your study abroad group. You also get to see things, like San Ignazio, that you would have never really looked for when walking around by yourself. It’s really a win-win.

Here’s a couple pictures from our mass and dinner 🙂 As you can see the church was breathtaking! Ciao!

Mass at San Ignazio


Welcome dinner 🙂






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