The GoGlobal Blog


Gone Green

Gone Green

From Madrid to Córdoba to Cadiz, Spain has definitely gone green! One of the first things I saw on the plane into Madrid were energy wind plants all over the green mountains and land. Traveling from Madrid to cordoba I saw solar panels as well as many more energy plants. 
Universidad de Loyola Andalucia in Córdoba practices many green techniques especially in their newer building. However the Córdoba campus hasn’t gotten rid of water bottles quite yet. 
The campus in Sevilla has buildings that have received the platinum award for their green buildings. The building provides 70% of the energy it uses with its own solar panels and other green ways. The building will be open for students the coming fall but everything from the tiles to wall material to bathrooms was picked to be as green as possible. 
Loyola students (Andalucia & Chicago) at the Palmas Campus in Sevilla
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