The GoGlobal Blog




Today marks the ONE MONTH countdown until my program in Aix en Provence begins! I will be traveling with about 10 other students from Loyola, as well as with professor McKenna, who will be our faculty leader. I know our program will be an incredibly amazing experience and I can’t wait to receive our full itinerary of adventures. We will be staying at our choice of either the residence hotel near the university or at a homestay, both of which will give us a real experience of actually living in France. As for me, expect tons of photos, thanks to my love of photography, which I hope will help you follow along with my study abroad experience! I know this post is a little short but trust me they will get much more detailed once I land in France! Once again, I’m so excited that I can share my adventure with you all!

Au Revoir et à la prochaine!

(Goodbye and until next time!)

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