The GoGlobal Blog


Better late than never!

Better late than never!

Ciao everyone.

I noticed a little while ago that no one was blogging from Rome this Spring 2011 semester. And as I already set up a blog on another site, I figured I can copy my posts over. That way my writing will reach a broader spectrum of readers. Hopefully, through reading this blog you decide to study abroad or take a vacation.

Rather than copying over the posts I’ve already made, it would take a while as there are many posts and I have limited free time, I will include the link to my other blog and you are welcome to catch up.

You’ll find out quickly that I’m no english major, so there are bound to be errors. However, I’m a bit of a comedian so you’ll be sure to get a few laughs.

Here’s a very quick recap of my time here so far, to get you caught up a little. (But if you want a more in depth version, see my other site.)

I left a very snowy Chicago on January 11th, arriving in Rome on Jan. 12. After what seemed like the longest day ever, I was awake for what I figure to be 36 hours, I was finally all settled at the John Felice Rome Center (Loyola’s very own campus in Rome). The rooms are typical “dorm” style, bathroom in the hall and all that jazz. I am a bit lucky as I got a single, which you might think is lonely, but there is no internet access in the dorms so if I want to skype (or let’s be honest, Facebook) I have to go to either Rinaldo’s cafe in the downstairs of the center or the brand new Information Commons. So life here is VERY social. The Rome Center is situation on Monte Mario, a hill of Rome. Only 20 minutes from the heart of Rome by bus, that is IF the bus comes. Public transit is nothing like it is in Chicago, I miss the CTA so much. As for classes, we only have them Monday-Thursday so traveling on the weekends is easy and encouraged. The teachers know you’ll be traveling so homework is not too hard, just quite a bit of reading, but you have to remember it’s still college.  So far I’ve been to Paris, Florence, the Vatican and Naples. And soon to be going to Pompeii, Tivoli, London and Greece for Spring Break. I was a bit homesick pretty much immediately upon arriving in Rome, but with each day it gets better and now I’m seeing just how fast this semester is going! Rome is such a cool city, I am glad I chose to come here. Granted my italian is mediocre at best, I’m finding myself able to understand it more and more and going out and about is good practice. It’s definitely easier to learn a language if you are IN that country.

I think I will wrap it up there for now. I don’t want to overwhelm you all in my first post. My next post will dive right into my life here, picking up right where my other blog is. I hope you enjoy reading, and if there is anything you want me to explain, write about, do in Rome, please let me know, I believe you can comment on the posts!

Until next time, best wishes and “ci vediamo!”


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