The GoGlobal Blog


Hei hei from Oslo!

Hei hei from Oslo!

So I’ve been in Oslo for almost a month now, and let me tell you, it’s been more of an edventure that I could’ve ever imagined. This place is magical, seriously. My first few days were a little more difficult than expected: running through the Frankfurt airport to make my connecting flight, getting through passport check just as the door to the plane was closing, getting all of my luggage lost between Germany and Norway etc. Worth it? Absolutely. When I first got off the plane at Oslo Gardermoen Ariport, I couldn’t help noticing the fine layer of pure white snow covering everything. It was so beautiful, the sun was just beginning to rise and everything had this sparkling fresh glow. I instantly fell in love. The airport itself was a lovely example of simplistic Scandinavian architecture, all glass, concrete and light woods.

My first impression of Norwegians? No one seems to realize that it’s freezing cold here. When I landed, it was 19° outside with five inches of snow. No one was wearing a winter coat; most people had on little wind breakers or ski jackets. One man next to me was literally in a short sleeve t shirt. Funny enough, two days ago it was around 4° outside, a warm break from the typical -15 or -20° weather we’ve been having. I was walking around with everyone else in my sweater and jeans talking about how crazy warm it was.  Apparently, I’ve acclimated to the cold more than I thought.


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