The GoGlobal Blog




The calcio field. Where heroes are made, dreams are shattered, and Jforcers learn the true meaning of studying abroad at the JFRC.

At least that’s what I was told by friends who have studied at the JFRC before. Calcio, aka soccer, is a huge part of the JFRC. Every semester a league is formed and teams compete all semester until there is one team left standing.

As someone who lacks the sport gene I was a little apprehensive about signing up. My soccer career ended in the 2nd grade with an asthma attack, and I was nervous about attempting to get back on the field. On top of that I was completely unprepared, I hadn’t even brought sneakers to Rome! After a few days of slideshows, testimonials, and SLAs telling me I would “kick myself if I didn’t sign up” I gave in and put my name on the list.

A red, white, and blue 15 euro pair of sneakers later (courtesy of a street vendor) and I was ready to hit the field. I had been put on the Maroon team, lead by SLA Matt, and with my #6 jersey on I rushed the field.

It. Was. Awesome. I might have no eye/foot coordination, lack any sort of running ability, and haven’t touched a soccer ball in over 10 years but it was still an amazing time. I’m definitely not one of the stars of the team, but what I lacked in skill I made up for in enthusiasm. All the teams went out without any practice and yet by the end my team was working together, passing, scoring, and dominating. Our team was constantly screaming, cheering, and encouraging other teammates. By the end of the game everyone’s skills had drastically improved (I even headbutted the ball at one point!) and it was so exciting to see us grow more confident with each kick.

We went into the half leading 4-1, but unfortunately lost it right at the end, 5-6. Even with the loss we were amped up by the end of the match, and are ready to WIN at the next game! I’ll make sure to keep you (my loyal readers) updated!

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