The GoGlobal Blog


Adventures Galore

Adventures Galore

Hi all,

I’ve had some truly amazing times in the past couple weeks here in Rome– I’m not even sure where to start! I’ll just share with you some of the highlights.

First, our study abroad orientation trip to Tuscany and Umbria was absolutely fantastic. I think I had some of the best food (and in the largest quantities) that I’ll have here in Europe! We saw some beautiful quaint towns, and even witnessed the beginning of the annual large archery tournament between two towns there. I loved watching the men and women dressed in traditional costumes, parading and marching to their band to meet the other towns’ representatives.

Last weekend I traveled to Naples with a few friends to find the elusive historic pizza places and to visit Pompeii, one of the things on my bucket list! I can attest that not only did I have the best pizza I’ve had in Italy so far, but I also had the most amazing cappuccino freddo (Iced cappuccino) that I’ve ever had in my life! Walking through the streets of Naples was an experience all in its own. I didn’t feel like such a tourist as I had on our Tuscany trip or when walking around Rome, and that was great. There were dozens of fish markets, cafes, pastery shops, and more. Pompeii was just about the coolest thing I’ve seen just far–I’ve been dreaming of visiting since I read about the historic town as a little girl. I couldn’t believe the absolute enormous size of the city! You can literally walk through the ruins, into the public bath house and beautiful homes, and see right up close hundreds of artifacts discovered when the city was unearthed. It was mesmerizing to me. Seeing a few of the bodies uncovered from the ashes struck me the most–We saw one pregnant woman who was covering her child, another person bunched in a ball and covering their face…it was incredible. I never thought I’d be able to see the artifacts and walk around the ruins myself!

Definitely another one of my highlights has been visiting a UN Agency here in Rome. The professor of my International Business Ethics course works for the UN and has a number of connections throughout the various agencies. I was fortunate enough to travel to the FAO, or the Food and Agriculture Organization here in Rome, in order to tour the building and discuss the role of the corruption team there. I had never seen anything like the agency in my life. We got a tour of the Green Room and Red Room, where conferences with representatives from countries all over the world are held. Hearing about how a UN Agency works definitely piqued my interest, and I had a fabulous time.

I’ve also had the opportunity to visit the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica on my second weekend here in Rome. Several students here at the Rome center received a special tour inside the Basilica from Father Al, who lives at our campus! I loved hearing the history behind various parts of the Basilica, and couldn’t believe how extravagant and intricate the detailing of the building is! Definitely a once in a lifetime, breathtaking experience.

Lastly, I’ve been making a point to try out a variety of great places for eating out here. As a girl brought up on Italian staples of pasta and pizza (thanks Dad!), It’s hard not to want to eat out all the time! It’s difficult in Rome to find non-touristy places, but I have had a ton of fun searching for them. You just really have to be prepared to walk well off the beaten path. Pizza con funghi (mushroom pizza) has been my favorite thing to order out here in Rome, and I’ve yet to order a pasta dish, though I had lots of pasta in Tuscany! On a recent rip to Trastevere with my girlfriends, we found the most authentic sushi place in Rome! All three of us are avid sushi fanatics, and we just had to try it out. Though expensive, it was absolutely amazing. Just thinking about the rolls I had is mouthwatering! Goal: find another sushi place, a bit less expensive and closer to home, for next time I get a sushi craving.

I plan to blog more often…it’s harder having to fit in so many stories into one blog! And I’m still trying to figure out how to post pictures on here–it hasn’t been working so far! I’ll keep trying though! Tomorrow I will attend the Papal Audience with other Loyola Rome students, and this weekend I’ll be traveling to Germany for Oktoberfest! Will definitely have plenty to blog about once I return.

All my best,


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