The GoGlobal Blog




Ciao Regazzi!

Imagine being thrown into a world where pasta is more important than people, where your conviction, rather than obeying a light signal determines whether or not you will cross a street safely, and fifty feet below where you step, there lie ruins ten times older than the United States themselves.

That is Rome, and that is where I’ll be living for just about 3 months.

A little background on my life:
I was born in Lima, Peru, to two loving (sometimes hilariously protective) parents who vowed to give their child nothing less than a happy life. Fast forward 20 years, and I find myself sitting in Rinaldo’s bar at the John Felice Rome center, after receiving 18+ years of private education, and loving every second of it. To say the least, I am a lucky person. Most people of my cultural background have not received the opportunities that I have, and I have my parents to thank for that. This blog will not just be an account of daily life here in Rome, but rather a compilation of the ecstatic moments, moments in which I realize how lucky I am to be here.

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