The GoGlobal Blog


A Broad, Abroad!

A Broad, Abroad!

Ciao, readers! Mary Mantia here, on the eve of my journey to Rome!  As the hours race by I’m getting more and more excited (and nervous!) about studying abroad for the semester. I can’t believe that after 2 years of waiting it’s finally here! This time Wednesday I’ll be in Rome! It’s all very exciting and overwhelming.

A little bit about this blog. First, I love silly puns, word play, and cliches, if you couldn’t tell by the title of this post, so expect a lot of those (in fact, expect the title of this post to make A LOT of appearances). I’ll try work in as much of my limited Italian vocabulary as I can, and hopefully along the way we all pick up a few more words! I’m also a major lover of food, so expect detailed posts about fabulous dinners, gelato finds, and any other treats I taste along the way. Finally, as a college student on a budget, I’ll be seeking out as many deals/ways to save money while still living La Dolce Vita, and I’ll make sure to share every tip I discover!

So I guess you could say the theme of this blog is College Girl on a Budget Eats Well and Travels Far. Or something like that. Either way it is going to be a journey to remember, and I can’t wait to share every moment with you!

So as the Romans say, buona notte! I’ll post again from ROMA!


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