The GoGlobal Blog


On the Road Again

On the Road Again

Or should I say, in the air again?  T-minus 2 days  until I am flying nearly ten thousand miles to the land down under. This trip snuck up on me this time. Unlike Prague, I had the entire summer to anxiously await the moment when I would step upon foreign soil, this time I feel almost ill-equipped for the journey and am rushing around purchasing last minute items like sunscreen and hats for my fun in the sun. I have spent the last 5 weeks looking over my European adventure pictures, catching up with friends and family, and trying to wrap my head around the experiences I had while living in Prague for four months. Unbelievably enough, I get to start all over again in Melbourne, Australia.

The Australian university calendar is very different from the typical American one. Classes run from March to late June for trimester one.  While the rest of Loyola has been slaving away under their piles of books in the IC, I have been twiddling my thumbs at home with my dogs. I even made a quick stop back at Loyola to meet with advisors and I felt almost alien to my own campus since I have been away from dear Lake Shore since May 2011. When I arrive in Australia I will have two orientations, one on campus for the logistical things like receiving a campus id and class registration, but the fun starts when the university takes us on a trip to the Great Ocean Road. This field trip entails hiking in the rainforest, surfing lessons, yoga on the beach and breathtaking views of the Twelve Apostles ( you know regular school activities).

I’ve learned a lot about myself and I am taking that new knowledge with me to that land of OZ. I know how to navigate airports, city centers, all sorts of public transportation systems, and how to find the best hostels, flight deals,and cheap eats.  I have made some adjustments since my last study abroad adventure. I am taking one suitcase not two. I am hoping to find a part time job there since with their visa you are allowed to work as well as study. I am finding my own housing when I get there because I want to find a really affordable place and I preferably want to live with some Aussies. However, I am going in with the same sincerely open mind and heart that is so imperative when you relocate to another country. I am ecstatic to experience something so entirely new and strikingly different from Prague.  Plus, the seventy degree weather is an added benefit and I cannot complain when I am doing my homework on a beach.

The flight is nearly 23 hours so I hope to hunker down and get some z’s because when I land it will be 2 days ahead. I leave on the 15th and arrive on the 17th, insane right? I guess that’s what happens when you cross the international date line and journey on down to the southern hemisphere. In typical fashion, I have not packed my bag yet, but I am sure now with all packing wisdom that I have attained from packing and re-packing a bag about 30 times last semester that I can conquer this task.

I’m going to go make my travel playlist now and dream of kangaroos and koala bears, preferably together and in my arms.

Talk to you soon. Happy Reading!!

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