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Home Away From Home

Home Away From Home

Last weeks of January…

It seems like time here in Rome flies by way faster than back in Chicago, that’s for sure! It still feels like I arrived in Rome just a week ago!  Living here at the John Felice Rome Center has been wonderful so far. The campus is located in Monte Mario, on one of the many famous hills in Rome. Vatican City is only a bus ride away as well as  local restaurants, shops, bakeries and cafes within walking distance from campus.

View of campus from my dorm room window

The few past weeks have been an adventure. Last weekend, my friends and I took a day trip to Anzio, Italy. Only about an hour and a half train ride, there is a seaport and a beach off the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. We walked along the beach, explored the WWII Historical Center and ate at a local restaurant with a view of the ocean. The food was delicious! Fresh fish, a glass of wine, some limoncello and time spent with friends was a good start to the weekend!

Fresh fish and spaghetti

The next day, friends and I went to the Vatican City and shopped along Via del Corso. During the month of January, there is the event called “Saldi,” where almost everywhere you go, there are sales galore! We all took advantage of the saldi, shopped around for hours and finally bought some new clothes and boots!

February 1, 2012

Today, my friends and I attended the Papal Audience at The Vatican. We saw the pope and were given a blessing.  What an awesome experience!

Weekend of February 3rd, 2012

For this weekend, my friends and I were supposed to take a trip to Florence, however, Mother Nature decided to swap weather with Chicago… 6 inches of snow in Rome! Unfortunately, the train was canceled due to the weather so we all spent our weekend on campus. Instead, a group of us spent the day outside, made snowmen and had a couple snowball fights. Only in Rome! …

“Snow day on campus”

“The JFORCE Snowman!”

Overall, getting adjusted to the Roman culture has been an experience so far. From roaming around downtown Rome, sightseeing with friends, eating the most delicious food in town and tasting the many gelato flavors available, life here in Rome is not bad! It is home away from home!

” By far THE best cappuccino I’ve had in Rome”


More blogging on the way! Next up….  second attempt to Florence!

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