The GoGlobal Blog


Weekend in Firenze

Weekend in Firenze

This past weekend was the first weekend without any mandatory trips planned, allowing students to venture out on their own.  Eight other girls and I decided to spend our time in Florence, Italy.  The city was beautiful, and it was such a great trip!  We were able to go to the Uffizi Gallery and Accademia Gallery to see a ton of amazing artwork, including Michaelangelo’s David statue.  We also had the opportunity to climb through a series of extremely steep staircases to the top of “Il Duomo” as the sun was setting.  It costed 8 euro but was worth every cent.  The view was unbelievable and it was interesting to step foot on top of this dome that I learned about extensively in a high school history class years ago. 

We stayed at the Hostel Greci, which I would recommend to anyone!  It was almost like a mini-apartment, and it was much nicer and bigger than I ever expected a hostel could be.  There was also good food..everywhere.  We never really planned where we were going to eat, but instead just ate at whatever restaurant was closest when we became hungry.  Last, but not least, there was a little marketplace we visited often during our stay where leather and other goods were sold.  Florence is well known for its leather and there were so many great things to purchase.  After a couple days of touring Florence, we ventured back home by train.

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