The GoGlobal Blog


Ready or not, estoy aqui!

Ready or not, estoy aqui!

I arrived in Barcelona today after 12+ hours of traveling. The Barcelona airport is a beautiful building with phenomenal use of space via clean form and simple function. I am staying at the Alberg Pere Tarres and the hostel is clean and friendly. It is also a short jaunt to the closest Starbucks so I am not too far from a touch of familiarity. I picked up a tall cappuccino after settling into my room and perused the surrounding blocks more to enjoy the 58 degree weather than anything else. It’s already clear to me that Barcelona is a premier international metropolis; I’ve heard French, German, Spanish, plenty of English and I think I identified an entire family speaking Catalan. The next day is to rest and fight the impending jet lag and then I’ll take some time to familiarize myself with the city. Despite my short time here, I am intoxicated by the energy of Barcelona!

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