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That’s Amore

That’s Amore

January 24, 2012

“When the Stars Make You Drool Just like a Pasta Fazool…
That’s Amore”

Buongiorno! I’m writing you from the library this cloudy Tuesday morning. (That is if you consider noon to be morning?) Either way, I promised I would tell you all about my trip down the Amalfi Coast this weekend so here’s my story…

School Dinner in Salerno

I boarded the much too early bus Friday clad in a hooded trench, umbrella, and filled with excitement!  We were off!  Reggia Di Caserta, Salerno, Paestum, a buffalo mozzarella farm, a lemon grove, and Sorrento were on the itinerary.  These names meant nothing to me, as I am sure they mean little to you.  It wasn’t until I marveled at the intricacy of the silk wall coverings in the castle of Reggia Di Caserta, savored the rich mozzarella di bufali, sipped on fantastic limoncello, and gazed at the views of the coast from the cliffs of Salerno and Sorrento that I could understand the greatness of this trip.

I have come back to the Rome Center with a new appreciation for Italy. To stand on the Amalfi coast with my toes in the water then board a 3-hour bus and be back standing in front of the Vatican is amazing to me.

Making Mozzarella!

In the sexy words of Dean Martin, “that’s amore”.  Italy is love in every sense of the word.  A country filled with passionate people and wonders around every bend…I can’t wait to fall even deeper in love here.

Cheers to exploring, cheers to new friends, and cheers to Italy!

Always yours,


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