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Rome Around the World

Rome Around the World

I am finally here! Roma! In a town called Monte Mario, not long of a bus ride away from the city, is the John Felice Rome Center Loyola University Chicago.

Today, January 19th, 2012, marks 1 week, 1 day here. Below consists of how fast my first week flew by:

Day 1:

Flight to Roma

– Chicago to Germany

– 3 hour layover at Germany

– Germany to Rome

    After long hours of flying, I finally made it. The weather was just wonderful – compared to the super cold weather back in Chicago, Illinois.

    Orientation Day 1 – January 11th, 2012

    Meeting new friends today was great. Not only are people here at the John Felice Rome Center from Loyola University Chicago, but other students from around the US are studying here as well. Today just consisted of registration, completing our forms to stay in Italy for more than 90 days, picture taking for our JFRC id and time for unpacking!

    Day 2:

    Orientation Day 2

    Italian Survival : This was a class that was more like a review of going over the basics of the Italian language : conversation starters and everyday phrases. After the first part of the day went by, my new friends and I walked down to the local supermarket and got some milk and cereal for breakfast. Can’t forget the good ol’ Nutella – Italian style, yummmmm.

    Night out in the city:

    Tonight, we are going to take a journey into the city! Using the bus and walking around using a manual GPS, we followed the detailed map of Rome and started exploring. We made it to the Fontana di Trevi – priceless view! We all made a couple wishes and threw the coins behind our backs, into the fountain. Then we got some gelato (nociola e tiramisu) …. Buona! We then sat by the Fontana di Trevi and enjoyed the rest of our dessert. After that, we walked to the Spanish Steps – 170 steps later, we made it to the top!

    Day 4:

    Saturday, January 14th

    Today, we went to the Colosseum!  Perfect day – blue sky, sunny and warm! The architecture is just breathtaking. The last time I visited Rome was back in 2003 with my family, but the second time around is even better! Then, we walked to the Roman Forum. So cool… Just imagine, 2,000 years ago, Romans lived, walked and had gatherings where we stood today. The city that is here today in Rome is above an old city that once lived long ago. It’s unbelievable that people back then were able to think, act and build something so beautiful and creative. How did they do such a thing?

    Then, we took a long walk from the Roman Forum to a place to eat. We each ordered our own individual pizzas with a couple glasses of Moscato wine. After that, we walked about 20 more minutes to the Vatican. WOW…. Is all I can say to explain how beautiful the sight of the Vatican at night looks like. From there, we walked to this gelato place called, Old Bridge… THE BEST GELATO so far. Delicious!

    Day 5 : School Trip to Tivoli

    Today was a little chilly. We took the charter bus to Tivoli, up in the mountains. The view was outstanding. The villa we went to go visit was built by Cardinal Ippolito II d’Este, known for it’s many gardens and fountains. So much beautiful land on top of a very high mountain! Then after that, we went to a typical Tivoli restaurant, that was literally a cave that was discovered by the owner’s grandfather. Very cool experience.

    January 16th, 2012

    This week is the start of classes. After the first couple days of orientation and getting settled in, it’s time to get back to the real world. I’m taking 12 credit hours, studying Art, Philosophy, History and Literature. Should be a great semester!

    January 17th

    Signed up for my study trip to Tuscany!! Never been there and cannot wait!! I’ve heard many great things.

    January 18th, 2012

    Signed up for another study trip to Sicily!!


    Well, after a week and 1 day of being here at the Rome Center, I’ve become settled into my home away from home for the next 3.5ish months. Tomorrow, the school is bringing us to a weekend long trip about 3 hours away from Rome. Stay tuned for more blogging!! =)

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