The GoGlobal Blog




Trip to Tivoli

       It has been a full, crazy week since first arriving at the John Felice Rome Center.  This first week of orientation  has been one amazing event after another.  The JFRC has also been a very good guide  in the adjustment of a completely different culture.  We have had many informational meetings and workshops as well to help us along the way. 

       This past weekend all of the students took a day trip to the Colleseum on Saturday and then to Tivoli on Sunday.  It was a perfect way to start out our stay here in Rome.  The Colleseum was much bigger and grander than I had anticipated!  By actually setting foot on such a well-known site, the rich and extensive history becomes much more real. 

       At Tivoli, we toured a palacial estate called Villa D’este.  It was an unbelievable view sitting on top of the mountainside.  The estate itself housed over 50 beautiful fountains that were controlled  mainly by gravity.  I definitely was able to get some really awesome photos here.  We then continued on to lunch in a nearby restaurant.  It was a delicious and very large meal.  Italians definitely do not let you leave hungry! 

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