The GoGlobal Blog


Birthday Celebration in Prague

Birthday Celebration in Prague

I turned 20 today and I spent the day in the most beautiful city with some of the most amazing people (besides my friends and family back home of course). I will be honest I was a bit down about not being with all my friends back home for the festivities. However, I had a fabulous day.

It started with my  class singing happy birthday to me in Czech. It was hilarious and my teacher was adorable as she conducted the class.  Apparently, the happy birthday tune is the most universal and no matter the language, it  is always the same. Good to know.

I was able to Skype my mom, which is always a good thing. Advice to future students abroad; Skype will be your best friend. Calling is way too expensive and you can even see the person via video. Plus, then your family and friends do not have to buy international calling cards.  I loved being able to see her on my birthday!

My friends and I planned a couple trips  today which include: Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris and Spain. It is so exciting and a dream come true.

We ended the night at a Mexican restaurant  (my favorite). It was a different one than the night before, but just as tasty. We then got our groove on at a local club and made some new friends with other students from all over the world.  Nutella with a candle  substituted as my birthday cake and was the perfect dessert. One of the girls from South Korea bought me flowers. Even though it has been such a short amount of time, your relationships with people grow quite rapidly  and I feel like I have known them for a long time.

Reflecting on my day, I am so grateful for everything.  Taking in the beauty with some good people is just pure jubilation. I couldn’t be more content if I tried.

Happy Reading!

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