The GoGlobal Blog




Next week is the last of my internship and honestly this came really fast. Everything after Spring Break tends to go super quick, though. To celebrate the end of my internship, I’m going to be going to Santorini, Greece next weekend and I’m so excited for it. Treat yourself, why not? My roommate and I are going together so hang out on the beach to destress from this semester. I know I need it.

My goal for the end of this week was to get up to 4,000 followers and I didn’t make it. I hit a lot of technical snags over this past week. I found out from my supervisor that all of my Twitter content wasn’t posting. The scheduling site we use to create content and determine when they should be posted set new regulations that makes content expire after one use. This is incredibly horrible because with Twitter, there is so much being per day that content can get lost in the our followers feed. So, some tweets are recycled to insure the probability that someone may see it. With expiring tweets, there is no way to know if each post reached anyone, and this means we constantly have to go back into MeetEdgar to reword tweets and find even more things. The amount of time that is now required for Twitter alone increased significantly and is stressful!

In addition to that, my Instagram posts where going up, but Instagram was removing my captions. I spent the weekend trying to figure it out because none of my other Instagram accounts were having this issue and there was no memo to tell me what was wrong. Eventually I realized that it had to do with the number of hashtags allowed per post. Limiting hashtags to around 20 or less allows posts to work without any issue. It was just frustrating that I spent time creating posts just for my work to constantly be deleted. Luckily, I figured it out.

Since my time at The Roman Guy is coming to an end, they allowed me to take one tour of my choice free of charge. My first choice was The Colosseum Tour that would take me underground of The Colosseum. Unfortunately, that tour was all booked. Instead I took a tour of The Vatican where I saw The Sistine Chapel, The Vatican Museums and the Basilica. I had no idea how many museums the Vatican actually had.  There is sooooo much to see! The tour lasted 3.5 hours and started at 7:30am. To get there on time I had to wake up at 6:00am and I don’t think I’ve been up that early since high-school. How did 16 year old Sarah do that every day? Amazing. Nonetheless, the tour was a lot of fun and I’m happy I went.

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