The GoGlobal Blog


My Internship in Rome (Week 3)

My Internship in Rome (Week 3)

This semester in Rome, I was fortunate enough to get hired as a marketing intern for a company called The Roman Guy. The Roman Guy specializes in various VIP tours of different tourist attractions all around Rome, as well as several local food tours in different areas. As an assignment for my class ROST 370, I am required to reflect on my experience of working as an intern for this company.

This week at The Roman Guy, I had several tasks that I needed to complete. Some of the tasks that I completed include finding TripAdvisor reviews and posting them to our website, editing three different blog posts using the blog lifecycle rules, posting two pictures on our instagram page (The Roman Foodie) and interacting with followers, and writing an article about the Colosseum Arena Floor for our website. Classroom knowledge has helped me significantly so far, because I have been using a lot of the skills that I previously had been taught in my marketing classes for my internship. As an intern, I was required to create several learning objectives that I want to achieve by the end of the semester. One of my learning objectives is to improve my writing skills for blog posts, various social media apps, and articles by following the blog life cycle at The Roman Guy. I have been working to achieve this learning objective a lot recently, because these past couple of weeks all of my tasks have had me very involved in writing which is ultimately helping me improve my writing skills. There is a lot more than what meets the eye about blogging, and now I am finally getting used to how the structure is for specific writings that I have to complete as well as strengthening my writing skills in general. Some problems that I have been having recently regarding my internship is transportation and being late because of class. There were two different times in the past two weeks where I didn’t get to work on time, because I had an onsite class and it went a lot longer than expected. Also transportation here isn’t that reliable. One day I had to wait three different times for the 990 bus because it was so packed and other times the regional train was delayed 10 minutes which caused me to be even more late. Im resolving this for the future by making sure that I leave extra early so that I can guarantee that I will be on time. Something that has been impressing me so far about my internship is the graphic design team. They work very long hours and the teamwork that they have with one another is outstanding. Everytime I go to our company’s website, there is always something new added and it looks fantastic! Some of my expectations for the following weeks include interacting and gaining more followers on the company’s instagram page, working on editing more blog lifecycle pages, writing more articles about different key attractions in Rome, and creating/researching my own blog post for my company’s page. So far I have been loving my internship and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me. Arrivederci!

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