The GoGlobal Blog


Thanksgiving In Ukraine

Thanksgiving In Ukraine

Ciao a tutti!

My last out of Italy trip, and I am sad. This has all been moving by way too fast, but I am trying to enjoy it all and live in the moment and not get caught up by the impending doom that is finals week. Let’s focus on what is important here, that being my trip to Ukraine for Thanksgiving break.

You may be asking, what made me choose Ukraine? Two words: my roommate. She happens to be Ukrainian and has family living in the capital of Kiev. So, that is where our story takes place!

I will admit, I knew nothing about Ukraine besides the bits and pieces of history my roommate has told me throughout the years, so I really had no idea what I was walking (or in this case, flying) into. Most people speak Russian in Kiev because much of the city is still stuck in the Soviet Union times. My roommate told me that the West side of Ukraine has modernized, whereas the East side is still stuck in the past.

One thing I did know is that I did not understand a single thing anyone was saying because NO ONE spoke English. Because of this, I was kind of left to my own thoughts and I forced my roommate to translate for me, but even she was having difficulty because she knows the Ukrainian language, not Russian. However, this didn’t stop us from enjoying the true beauty that Ukraine had to offer: THE FOOD.

I feel like this should just become a food blog from how much I talk about food, so that’s what I’m going to do for this post. Now, let me introduce you to these beauties:



beautiful cake from The Cake


Borscht (ft. Varenyky)

And there you have it, ladies and gents. Ukraine was definitely a unique experience, but it was one of the most fulfilling for me because I got to see a part of Europe that I never thought of. And it meant a lot to me because it meant a lot to my roommate, who got to see her family and celebrate Thanksgiving with them. I am truly thankful to her and to them for showing me an amazing time. It will never be forgotten!

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