


Hola a todos!

Today has officially marked my third week of being in Mexico City, Mexico at La Ibero! It’s crazy how fast the time flies; I feel like I just got settled in. Instead, I’ve been having a lot of aventuras and making new friends and memories each week. I am getting to know and love my host family and roomie, Erica, more each week because they are truly great people 🙂

So far, I have visited the following places:

-Cool old convent (gahh i forgot the name)
-Museo del Arte Moderno
-Museo del Arte Popular
-Museo del Arte Nacional
-Plaza, Catedral Nacional, Templo Mayor

What I have learned so far/some tips for future SA students 🙂

-Take it easy with exercise because the altitude is insane
-drink lots of water because the climate is dry and sun is strong
-SUNSCREEN. Again, the altitude is a big change from Chicago so you are way closer to the sun/equator
-Don’t eat food sold on the street…shadddyyy
-Kinda spicy means spicy (Poco picoso=PICOSO)
– Mexico traffic is horrible so leave a half hour earlier than you expected to leave
-Take advantage of trips the school puts on for exchange students! It’s a great way to meet people that are going through this change
-It’s ok to miss your family and friends, Chicago hot dogs and pizza and football
-This is YOUR time. Make the most of the time you are here.

Nos vemos!


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