The GoGlobal Blog


I’m almost at the two month mark. WOW.

I’m almost at the two month mark. WOW.

Hi all!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I apologize for not writing on this blog more than I should. I write more on my personal blog. If you would like to read that blog, I will post a link down below when I finish writing this. But anyways, happy Thursday! Every Thursday marks the start of a weekend for me. Studying abroad in Spain has given me the opportunity of being able to see all types of new things that I don’t think I would be exposed to back in the states. And I guess you know what I mean if you have been away from home for a really long time. There is so much history and culture in Europe and I am trying my best to go to as many places I can in my short time here. I recently had Winter break on my campus and I had the privilege to visit France. I stayed in Paris, but I was able to visit Versailles as well.

I was able to visit the following places:

Eiffel Tower


Arc de Triomphe

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Musée de Louvre


Palace of Versailles


Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

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The Catacombs of Paris

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Disneyland Paris


and others that I cannot remember the name at this time.

It was such an AMAZING EXPERIENCE! I had a wonderful time. France will be one of the many trips I hold in my heart dearly for the rest of my life because I never thought I’d actually be able to see the other side of the world. I’m so blessed to be able to have this experience of studying abroad in Europe and being able to travel to places I’ve dreamed of since I was young. The language barrier was difficult, but I got through it with my friends by my side. 

I’ll include some pictures from my France trip on this post. And here is the link to my personal blog if you want to give it a read:


‘Sta logo! 🙂

(^ this literally is a shortened version of ‘hasta luego’ that Spanish people say as a form of goodbye).


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