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London in 3 Days

London in 3 Days

Ciao a tutti!

Next stop, London. This has been a city I’ve wanted to go to since I was little, and I can’t believe I get to check it off my bucket list. Because I only got to spend a weekend here, I wanted to make the most of it and see everything that London has to offer. Here is how I did London in 3 days.

1. See all the sites at once: Your feet are going to kill, but it will be worth it. Our Airbnb was right by Buckingham Palace, so this was where our journey began. From here, we walked to Westminster Abbey, took a picture in a phone booth by Big Ben, crossed the Westminster Bridge, walked ALL the way to Shakespeare Globe, saw the London Bridge, crossed the Tower Bridge, sauntered by the Tower of London, then took the tube back. The pain in my body was immense, but I wanted to be certain that I would see all the important things in the short amount of time that we had. We didn’t go into anywhere because we didn’t want to pay the money and the lines were incredibly long. However, if that’s something you want to do, I suggest an early start to your day and buying your tickets in advance to the places you want to enter. There might be difficulty in visiting every thing in one day then, but if you take the time and plan it out, then anything is possible.

Basic but necessary


2. See a musical: DO IT. We saw Wicked, my all-time favorite musical on this planet, and it was by far the best show I have ever seen in my life. I might be a little biased, but the singing was amazing, the acting was amazing, and they all had British accents, which were pleasant to my American ear. The tickets weren’t that bad at 70 euro, and it was by far the best moment of the entire trip. Be watchful of the website you buy from because there is always the fear of buying counterfeit tickets. So either buy from the official theater site or the website I used was here. You’ll have to go to the theater and pick up the tickets, but it’s very simple. You present your ID and VOILA. Get ready for the best night of your life.

3. Abbey Road is overrated: I might get shanked for this, but I am not a big Beatles fan, never have been, probably never will be. However, it was still on my do to list, mainly because I wanted to buy a souvenir for my sister. We get there, it is on a very busy road, and it’s almost impossible to get a picture. We got lucky because we had a very nice guy to stop his car for us, but everyone else wasn’t so nice. It’s also way out of the way, so unless you’re a huge Beatles fan, I wouldn’t recommend. But if you feel compelled to go much like I did, ignore the beeping, and strut like you mean it.

4. Make time for tea: I, a previous hater of tea, am now a spokesperson for English tea because I had the best cup in my entire life. My recommendation would be to go to the British Museum (which I will talk about next) and then cross the street and go to The Montague for tea and scones. OMG. Firstly, the place was SO cute, and the scones were to die for. You got to pick 4 scones and 4 jams, all of which were good except the chocolate ones because I hate chocolate. Also, they let you smell the tea leaves before picking one, so I picked one of the sweetest smelling ones and it was absolutely delicious. A+ 10/10 would recommend.




5. British Museum!: I’ll keep this short because you might not get it if you don’t go to Greece at some point or know Greek history, but they have parts of the Parthenon here and refuse to give them back to the museum in Athens, so as annoying as this is for someone like me who deeply loves Greece, it was still cool to see. Also, they have the Rosetta Stone and the mummy of Cleopatra. Cool stuff. Oh, did I mention it’s free? Yeah, it is. Worth it!


I followed these simple steps, and I had the BEST weekend in London. It’s on my top 3 list of favorite places I went while abroad because I was able to have a very fulfilling experience and definitely get my money’s worth. I hope this helps for those of you looking to spend a weekend in London. I will absolutely be back there one day, hopefully longer than a weekend, so maybe I’ll edit this with more tips once I go back!

Arrivederci i miei amici <3


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