SUFEO Chicago

Stand Up For Each Other! (SUFEO) Chicago is a student-run organization that provides free information and services for K-12 students facing suspension, bullying, or exclusion from school. SUFEO law students operate a hotline, supervised by attorneys in the Civitas ChildLaw Clinic. After a brief intake, SUFEO can provide information, referrals, advice, and, in some cases, representation for K-12 students in school-based meetings, on issues such as:

  • Suspension appeals
  • Bullying complaints and investigations
  • Safety planning meetings
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings
  • Manifestation Determination Reviews (MDRs)
  • Records appeals

SUFEO students aim to help parents and schools work together to keep children safe and engaged in school.

Are you a K-12 student, parent, or guardian who needs help understanding your school rights? Call our Hotline at 773-800-0338. Your call will be returned within 24-48 hours. Please have the student’s school documents nearby when you call.

Community Outreach: Do you work with youth or parents who would benefit from learning about their legal rights in school? SUFEO is happy to come to your organization to provide free Know Your Rights trainings to your organization or the parents you serve! Please contact SUFEO at

SUFEO! Chicago was launched in October 2014 and is modeled after the Stand Up for Each Other! project in New Orleans and the Suspension Representation Project in New York City.