
See frequently asked questions bellow.

Why can't I login with my Loyola uvid password ?

Your blog password is not associated  with your Uvid password.  The two are totally separated.  When you resent your blog password you have the option of making that password to what ever you like.

How can I receive my new Blog password ?

All user will be email their blog password to their Luc.edu email address.  If you have not received  your password please contact ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu and we will assist you.

How can I reset my blog password ?

You can reset you blog password by following these instructions.  Click here

Can additional users be added to my blog ?

Yes additional users can be added to the blog.  Please email us at ITSservicedesk@luc.edu  with the blog name and the users you would like to add.  All users must have luc.edu email address.

Can I install new plugins ?

No,  we have limited the number of plugins to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities.

Can I change the theme of my blog ?

Yes you can your WordPress theme to any of the free WordPress Theme available https://wordpress.org/themes/   . We will be creating a tutorial to show you how to do this soon.

Why are all comments disabled in the blog ?

All comments have been disabled to cut down on spam and decrease the vulnerability of the blogs.

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