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2008 – University of San Francisco

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

The University of San Francisco hosted a joint IT and Librarians meeting in 2008, with 87 participants representing 25 schools. Keynote sessions included a presentation on the Jesuit Commons by Chris Lowney and Paul Locatelli, S.J., and one on the transformative impact of Learning Commons by Russ Bailey of Providence College. This year was an unusually active CITM business meeting, with significant changes in leadership organization: separating the CITM President and Vice President positions from the Chair and Vice-Chair positions for the annual meeting; approving the mentoring program as an ongoing activity after a successful pilot; commissioning of a formal group to identify shared services, and discussing and subsequently adopting a resolution in support of the Jesuit Commons. The pre-conference activity was a tour of Santa Clara University’s new Learning Commons (due to open the next day) and the Testarossa Winery, located in the home of the former Jesuit Novitiate Winery. The conference dinner was a sunset cruise on the beautiful San Francisco Bay.

Click on the links below to view documents from the 2008 meeting.

AJCU Conference at the University of San Francisco 2008