Making Use of Time 101

Making Use of Time 101

Sometimes we become so caught up on what we HAVE to do, rather than what we CAN do. Don’t let a list of plans overwhelm you from doing it. I have learned to make use of my time by not overworking myself nor wasting my time. This doesn’t necessarily have to be school related, but in general, we become so stressed over things we have yet to do, and that takes up the time we actually have to do it. What I personally do to overcome this, is make a list of what I need to do for that day. I enjoy waking up early and being productive, because if I don’t, then I just get lazy and watch Netflix. This is okay sometimes, and I’m not encouraging non-morning people to do this too, but find what works for you and what allows you to get the most things checked off your list. Also, when I wake up, my motivation to get up is usually going to get a cup of coffee; sad, but true. Find something that motivates you to get up and running.

You don’t need to get everything done back to back. Take a break in between and get something healthy to eat, hang out with friends, surround yourself with optimism. Set goals for yourself to get certain things done in a day. I have learned to set aside some time for myself, so after classes I go for a 20 minute run just to get my mind off of things and relax. I found myself doing significantly better in classes and relatively much more relaxed and happy.

If you find yourself being “lazy” when you have so much to do, just get it over with so that you can be lazy and not even have to look at a list of “yet to-do’s”. (Its an incredible feeling, trust me.)

These tips may or may not work for you, but find what does. Everyone deserves leisure time, but it comes best knowing you don’t have to look at a list. Don’t stress over the little things, avoid complaining, and just do it.



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