A New Exhibit at LUMA!

A New Exhibit at LUMA!

When we think of puppets, the first thing that might come to your mind is something like Sesame Street, or ventriloquism. However this month, at the Loyola University Museum of Art (also known as LUMA), has a new exhibit open to the public about Indonesian Puppetry. With the help of the Department of Anthropology, LUMA brings to life the history, and culture behind the puppets.

The exhibit was designed by the students, from presenting the pieces they have, to researching information, and everything in between. With all the students to work in an environment outside of the classroom, LUMA’s giving students within the Department of Anthropology a chance to apply skills they’ve learned thus far, and the students working on the exhibit are very excited to share their work with not only you Ramblers, but the general public!

This interactive exhibit is open to the general public for the rest of February and is FREE to Loyola students with their ID, so if you still need things to do, OR if you’re looking for a post-Valentine’s Day cheap date with that special someone, I definitely recommend it!

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