

In my experience, studying with friends yields the best results as far as actually getting stuff done.  But, I usually have a blast, which makes up for the fact that I still have a lot to do.

Here is what usually happens. First you gather with friends in a lounge.  Then you casually play some music, just as background music, of course.  Then the requests come in.  The old school Britney song comes on, and so everyone chimes in!

Meanwhile, someone has brought their nail polish collection, so between typing a paper, you delicately polish each nail to perfection.  Then you give up typing because its not worth messing up a nail.

Then someone starts taking webcam pics. These get intense because you have all the various special effects to choose from.  Then you have the re-do’s.  Then you have to brainstorm what ridiculous pose to do next!

In between everything, there are complaints about the homework at hand, even though no one can truthfully say they are actually working on it.

Somehow the TV has been turned on, and so we start watching “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.”  There is plenty of commentary to be had!

Obviously, this isn’t exactly what I do every time I study with my friends, but this is genuinely how one evening went, and it usually is some variant of these events.  Who knew studying could be so fun?

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