Online Access to your Files on the Loyola Network

Online Access to your Files on the Loyola Network

Loyola faculty and staff are able to store files on Loyola’s network; users have access to a private (U:) drive and some departments may have a shared directory.  You can get to the network from any campus computer; however what if you are off-campus and need to access your files?  With DocXchanger, Loyola users can simply and securely access their files located on Loyola’s network, from any Internet location.  DocXchanger may be accessed via a Web interface or by downloading a Windows client. With this service, users also have the capability to share their files with external (non-Loyola) affiliates.

Note: You will need to have your Loyola user ID set‐up to work with this application; please refer to the DocXchanger Access Instructions or contact the IT HelpDesk for more information.

Keep in mind that DocXchanger only provides access to files stored on Loyola’s network.  If you need remote access to any files or applications on your Loyola desktop computer, you will need to request access to Loyola’s Virtual Private Network (VPN).

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