
Daniela Clark

International engagement through teaching

Professor Terry Northcut’s work has reached across borders. Dr. Northcut is teaching doctoral classes in Social Pedagogy and Mental Health at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. She will also be presenting in the cities of Gondar and Addis Adaba on religion and spirituality in Social Work and on teaching methodology at several academic institutions.

Loyola at UN Social Work Day 2019

Social Work Day at the United Nations is an annual programme of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. The theme of this thirty-sixth annual programme is child protection. (Watch Recorded Video of the Session). Students and recent alums experienced the event and the preceding Student Conference …
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Social Work students at President’s Medallion 2018

We are proud of our students Suzanne Cuellar and Meaghan Tomasiewicz for their work and recognition in the 2018 Agents of Change-President’s Medallion reception. Suzanne Cuellar (Read full bio) Hometown: Houston, Texas Major: Master of Social Work and Master of Arts in Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Expected Graduation: 2019 Meaghan Tomasiewicz (Read full bio) Hometown: Monroe, …
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Testimonio de Estudiantes

Conociendo a Nuestr@s Estudiantes: Programa Bilingüe Nos motiva conocer más de la trayectoria de nuestr@s estudiantes, por lo cual nos dimos a la tarea de entrevistar y dar a conocer la opinión de dos de ellas. Ambas son parte de la primera cohorte de la Maestría en Trabajo Social Bilingüe en Línea, que arrancó clases …
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7 Christmas Gifts Ideas that Give Back

Ready for the holidays? It’s that time of the year, Christmas is around the corner. Most of us are lucky enough to participate in the gift-giving tradition, but let’s be honest, we are usually concerned if whether this special ‘thing’  we pick is meaningful and unique to our loved ones. Yet, it is easy to …
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Loyola school based health center, a unified effort

School-based Health Center: Loyola University Chicago-School of Nursing and Proviso High School Video from the Illinois Terrorism Task Force: Mental Health & School Violence 0:00 – 4:26 min. Dr. Diana Hackbarth ITIE Ambassador, describes the preventive, holistic work of the school health center, unifying services for the well-being of the students and the school community. Thanks …
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Evaluating Arts Integrated Civic Practice Programs

“Evaluating Arts-Integrated Civic Practice Programs (Year 3, 2017-2018)” Grant funded by the Paul M. Angell Family Foundation for $20,000. Chicago’s Fifth House Ensemble (5HE) partners with local non-profits to offer music education residencies to vulnerable populations throughout the city. Recent residencies include Teen Living Programs, a homeless youth services provider; Deborah’s Place, homeless women services …
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New Immigration Center

Center for Immigrant & Refugee Accompaniment (CIRA) In times where quality services and support for immigrant families are needed, Dr. Maria Vidal de Haymes, BSW Director and Dr. Ivan Medina have taken part of several activities in this area. Dr. Vidal de Haymes presented as a keynote speaker at the Jesuit University Network September meeting. …
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Alumnus book now available

“On the Other Side of Chaos, Understanding the Addiction of a Loved One”-  was released by the Central Recovery Press and is now available to the public! We are proud to announce the book publication of our former student, Ellen Van Vechten. Paperback copies can be found for sale at major retailers. Editorial Review “On …
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