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AN OFFICIAL BLOGGER OF THE School of Continuing and Professional Studies

Are You Prepared For Your Next Job Interview?

Imagine sitting down for a job interview and being asked, “How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap?” or “Why are manhole covers round?” If you are anything like me, you’d immediately start sweating and want to find the nearest fire escape.

About this blog

Brigette Petersen is a career advisor based at the CDC's Water Tower Campus. She primarily assists students and alumni from Loyola's School of Continuing and Professional Studies and the School of Communication with career development and professional preparation. Brigette also partners with staff, faculty and employers to enhance the career exploration experience for students. Prior to joining Loyola, she worked as a senior account manager in the public relations industry. Having worked in Manhattan, San Francisco, and Chicago for international firms, she has expansive business/communications knowledge and experience.