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Growing interest in Non-traditional Credit and Prior Learning Assessment

We are seeing a growing interest in using non-traditional credits and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) to close the gap to graduation dates. It’s easy to understand why.

It saves you money. Quite a lot of money.

It saves you time. Perhaps a full semester or more.

It is an endorsement of the work and effort and successes you experienced before joining us at SCPS.

You invested in yourself before you became a Loyola University Chicago student; use those investments now to fulfill your quest to complete your degree.

I encourage you to remember the projects and training and volunteer efforts and hobbies and passions that you have in your personal history bank. Some of these endeavors might materialize in worthy, justified university level credits. Take time to revisit your busy life. Perhaps what might earn you credit is not on your resume. Note that these credits do not require a timeline – experience is experience at any time and place. The nontraditional/PLA quest involves reflection and creativity. It’s up to you to take on that challenge and reap the benefits. Please try!

You can review details on our website about how non-traditional credit and/or prior learning assessment credits can be gained at SCPS. Additionally, you can meet students who can tell you the benefits of pursing these credits. Consider this option by remembering what got you here! You can do it!


If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at scps@luc.edu. Or visit our website at www.luc.edu/scps