
Annik Lupieri

I grew up in northern Italy, with an Italian dad and an American mom. After living in Chicago for the past eight years, I have now returned for the fall semester of my junior year to the fatherland to taste once again "la dolce vita" in none other than Italy's beautiful capital, Rome. But the journey won't end there. My spring semester will include my next major stop: the bustling streets of Beijing, China. As a student at Loyola University Chicago and a recipient of the Ricci scholarship, I hope to bring you along to experience the ins and outs, ups and downs, and maybe even the forwards and backwards of my study abroad experience.

Chinglishing in China

Chinglishing in China

March 29th, 2016

I put off writing this blog post because of how much there is to say about China. Mostly, I worry that I will not do it justice. I have been keeping a journal to attempt to capture my everyday thoughts and, I guess do things that people do when they journal, but even when I […]

Roma in Review: Family Album

Roma in Review: Family Album

December 19th, 2015

I wold like to end this semester of blogs with what could only be described as a family album. Words alone cannot begin to recount the stories that I witnessed this past semester. The typical picturesque scenes captured in the majority of my images, although they serve to conjure brief snippets of life, also fail to […]

Crunch(y) Time

Crunch(y) Time

November 27th, 2015

It’s finally crunch time. Ricci is due in exactly one week, the streets of Rome are filling up with Christmas decorations and dazzling neon convenience store lights, most of the students at the JFRC are talking about going home and us students’ plans for saving money are becoming more and more creative. Just today my […]

September: the Weekend Trips and Soccer Matches

September: the Weekend Trips and Soccer Matches

October 9th, 2015

I realize it’s been way too long since I have written a blog post, but honestly, it’s Rome’s fault for keeping me from this duty. Just so all of you know, I haven’t even skyped home since early September (unless you count me calling yesterday and shouting “I’m leaving for Greece tomorrow!” before the lack […]

First Impressions

First Impressions

September 8th, 2015

This past week I have learned one noteworthy thing about myself. I am a terrible packer. If there are terrible packers out there, I’m sorry but I may be the worst. I have, for lack of a better term, had the shocking surprise of finding out that most of everything I need to survive is […]