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Tag: Vung Tau

Vacationing before Vacation!

Vacationing before Vacation!

Vung Tau is a popular destination for short getaways. An hour and a half away from HCMC, the city used to be known as a petroleum capital of Vietnam, but also boasts a strong fishing industry and its beach resorts are a draw for tourists. This was our first spontaneous trip out of  the city that we Loyola students took of our own volition. While our roommates helped us book places and figure out what to do, we were going to be on our own there.

We traveled via hydrofoil to get to Vung Tau and were bombarded with sales pitches, persistent taxi drivers, xe oms, and rickshaw peddlers the moment we stepped off the dock. Most likely because of the impending Tet holiday, much of the resort city was already empty as people returned to their hometowns. This made us as fresh a group of tourist bait as possible. Between figuring out where our hotel was, gathering our return bus tickets, and finding out that the hotel reservation was actually for a “Tinson D.,” it was quite an experience.

However, the rest of the day and weekend were phenomenal. We explored the whole of the peninsula, and even ended up at the exact same beach that I visited with my family 5 years ago! Friday evening, we sat down for dinner at Ganh Hao, which nearly every local we met suggested to. Sitting nearly 5 meters away from the sea and literally have our pick of the day’s best catch available, it is nearly impossible to describe the ambiance as anything more than splendid.

We capped out trip by scaling the local religious/tourist attraction known as Christ the Redeemer of Vung Tau. Finished in 1993, this larger-than-life statue of Jesus stands over 32m as one of the tallest of its kind in the world,  larger than even the famousCristo Redento in Rio de Janeiro! Getting to the statue is a pilgrimage in and of itself as it is located at the summit of a 270m hill. Scaling the the hill, there are rest areas every 20-30m that showcase sculptures of prominent figure in Christianity such as Moses, the 12 Apostles, Angels, and etc. As a Catholic, it was really inspiring for me to see how my faith is practiced in my parents’ homeland.

When we finally reached the Jesus statue, we also found out that inside of the statue is actually a small chapel and a 133-step winding staircase that took you up to the shoulders of Christ! Unfortunately, shoulders and knees were required to be covered before we could step in, so many of us shorts-wearing Loyolans had to improvise.. By tying some of my extra bandanas to over my knees and throwing on an extra shirt over my tank top, the elderly gentlemen watching over the door nodded their approval, and I began my ascent to one of the most breathtaking views ever. Nearly 300m above the ground, on top of Christ’s shoulder, I saw city, land, air, and sea all at once. I did my best to take photos and video, but nothing could do that view justice than being there yourself.

A couple hours later, we caught out ride home at the hotel. As my friend Brian goes to detail to say, the ride home was very much like a ride on Harry Potter’s ‘Night Bus!’ Being the only Vietnamese speaker during the Vung Tau trip was an enlightening experience I’ll never forget. I have to personally commend tour guides and other bilingual professions on their efficiency in facilitating and helping large groups have as much fun as they do when abroad. However, I can’t say that I’ll miss being our psuedo-tour guide as it could be frustrating and difficult at times to navigate unfamiliar territory with such a large group. It was a fun and successful weekend though!  With the Tet holiday coming up, I’ll be venturing out on my own with my roommate to his hometown of Phan Thiet for another adventure and vacation.

If you haven’t had the chance already, you should really check out fellow Loyola blogger and friend Brian Priddis’ recap of our previous weekend in Vung Tau!


Vung Tau: A Weekend Getaway

Vung Tau: A Weekend Getaway

After completing our first full week of classes in Sai Gon, we decided to treat ourselves with a getaway. Almost all 22 of us piled onto a Futa Bus, where the seats were as small or smaller than those in economy class. Two hours later, we had arrived in the relatively quiet beach town of Vung Tau. We had been warned that it wasn’t the most picturesque beach in Vietnam, and while that was true, it served as the perfect day trip destination.


The beach itself was a narrow strip that stretched as far as the eye could see, and featured plenty of open-air restaurants and bars. We found a cozy spot next to one such place, so we didn’t need to wander far for lunch. Some of us immediately lay out and basked in the sun and enjoyed the breeze that kept the air from become stifling hot. The rest hit the waves. The dry season in Vung Tau is known to have high winds and big waves with strong undercurrents in some spots. Evidently we had chosen the perfect spot: while the waves and current were stronger than what I am used to, not once did I feel anything more than exhilarated at being in the waves.



Of course, being the adventurous lot that we are, we didn’t want to restrict ourselves to just the beach, and so we set off for the lighthouse. We all know what lighthouses look like, so the structure itself was nothing too impressive, aside from the fact that it was built in the 1930s and looked great for its age. But my oh my, the view was something entirely different. The old lighthouse sits atop a hill, prime location for a 360 degree view of the city (Check my photos out above). We stopped here to simply soak in the spectacular view of Vung Tau and its houses, buildings, beaches, open waters, and hills. The view from the bottom of the hill was just as stunning. We arrived at the bottom right at the beginning of “golden hour” A.K.A. my favorite time of day. Everything was bathed in a magical golden glow, and served as the perfect ending to our little adventure.


Before leaving Vung Tau, we also managed to visit a temple and eat at one of our Vietnamese partner’s family restaurant. All in all, it was a day well spent.


My Tip of the Day:

  1. Do not underestimate the strength of the sun, especially when near the Equator like in Vietnam. Not getting the perfect tan is a sin I’m willing to make in exchange for not burning and peeling. Sunscreen is essential.