The GoGlobal Blog


Tag: family

Is it called study ‘abroad’ when you are going home?

Is it called study ‘abroad’ when you are going home?

When I told people at Loyola that I wanted to study abroad in Rome this year, some of them were confused. They asked me, “why study abroad in the country that your family is from?” Well, to me, it isn’t just studying abroad. My year abroad will give me an opportunity that I never had during vacations to Italy did in previous years. When I go on vacation in Italy, I hang out with friends and family, go out all the time, and don’t do much else. My laundry is always done, my meals are always prepared, and I usually don’t have to pay for anything. While this is wonderful and I love it, I don’t feel like I’ve gotten a true sense of living as an Italian. My family lives in Calabria, which is in the very south of Italy, not very close to Rome. This means that I’ll be having to do my own chores and learn to get around the city on my own. This whole year to me is an opportunity to take a test drive of living an Italian lifestyle. I’ll have to work, go to school, and learn about Rome on my own.

As great as it will be to gain some independence abroad, the best part about me studying in Rome is that it is only a 40 minute plane ride away from my hometown! This means, lots of visits back and forth from my cousins, aunts, and uncles. I love living in the U.S., but the one things that really stinks is that I live so far from most of my family. So now is my chance to spend some time with them. This year is going to be full of adventure and excitement. I can’t wait to share it with you all!