The GoGlobal Blog


No Idea

No Idea

Fun fact: 99% of my time in Italy has consisted of me having 0% of an idea of what I’m doing. The beauty of this in Italy: it’s absolutely OK. Exhibit A: Weekend trip to Cinque Terre It’s 4:35AM, a group of 5 guys (me included) get off the overnight train from Rome to Riomaggiore, …

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Classes in Rome

Classes in Rome

Classes at the JFRC are a species of their own. Although professors and classes are great in both Chicago and JFRC, I feel that a major difference between the two is that the professors here are able to immerse themselves in their field in their everyday life. For example, my THEO 100 professor, Father Ted …

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Under the Tuscan Sun

Under the Tuscan Sun

Buonasera, friends! I promised you a couple of blogs this week and here’s another one! This past weekend we went to Tuscany, the land of great food, expansive views, rich culture, and…did I mention great food? We started off the trip in Cortona, a tiny village known for its sweeping views. As soon as we stepped …

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Visiting Nha Trang

Visiting Nha Trang

This weekend was our last free weekend in Vietnam for awhile so we decided to take a trip up to the beach town of Nha Trang for the weekend. Traveling in Vietnam has been relatively easy (aside from the language barrier). It was not difficult to purchase train tickets, we booked the hotel online and …

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The Beauty of Nha Trang

The Beauty of Nha Trang

Nha Trang city is the coastal capital of the Khanh Hoa province.  It is located on the coast of South Central Vietnam.  At first I was skeptical to take the trip to Nha Trang with five of my fellow classmates.  Nha Trang, although very beautiful, is a hot tourist destination and even the former host …

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Day 1 of Orientation Weekend: Cortona & Arezzo, Toscana This weekend, myself and my peers (all 180+ of us) hopped on four busses headed to Tuscany. Never in my entire life did I expect so much beauty condensed into three days of absolute perfection. We started off the weekend in Cortona a small village located …

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