The GoGlobal Blog


La Despedida*

La Despedida*

Packing up and leaving Chicago has been a lot harder than I expected.  To be honest, I’ve had a few good cries along the way.  I’m going to miss the city I’ve grown to love and call home — especially the people who have made it all worthwhile.  But alas, I had to take this …

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¡Hola amigos! I’ve been in Santiago, Chile, for two weeks now.  I’ve been keeping my own study abroad blog and now I have this amazing opportunity to share my experiences for Loyola University Chicago!  Since I’m just now activating this blog, I’ll include my previous posts from the past couple of weeks.  I hope you …

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Exploring Europe, Round Two!

Exploring Europe, Round Two!

Ciao amici! My name is Ryann Howard, and I am a junior at Loyola University. This is my first time blogging, but not my first time studying abroad! I was in Rome last semester, and my four months there were some of the most incredible of my life. I traveled to places I only dreamed …

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First Impressions

First Impressions

We’ve been here for roughly three days so far. My first reaction is that I am really, really REALLY not in America anymore. The city is chaotic, stressful, loud and hot. The worst is the feeling of helplessness that accompanies this type of situation. You don’t know the language, the customs, the structure of daily life. …

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Hey-O! Guess Where I am?!

Hey-O! Guess Where I am?!

Hola Todos!! Today is my 10th day in Madrid and I am in no way disappointed!! I am going to try to recap the past ten hectic days with clarity! I left for Madrid on Tuesday January 8th.  My flight was suppose to depart at 8:25pm but due to weather conditions and someone checking a …

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Forging bonds through rice and pork.

Forging bonds through rice and pork.

  Once again, insomnia strikes me. It is roughly 5 A.M.right now in Ho Chi Minh City. I’m happy to report that all of us Loyola students who left Chicago on Thursday afternoon have made it without incident to the Vietnam Center. After a grueling 20+ hr flight, terrible airline food, and a brief layover …

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You always learn from your mistakes

You always learn from your mistakes

I hope this is true, and if it is then I am possibly one of the most learnèd 20- year olds on the planet. Or, at least, in Loyola’s study abroad program. My stay in Santiago started in a very… interesting manner. And what I mean by ‘interesting’ is a 5-hour stay in the airport. Think …

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Is This Real Life??

Is This Real Life??

Finally in ROME! It’s Thursday afternoon and it has been a week since I arrived in Rome. It has been a dream of mine to study abroad and now that I am here I can’t believe it! (IS THIS REAL LIFE?) Before coming to the John Felice Center I came to Rome with my grandparents, …

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Shipping out!

Shipping out!

It is less than 12 hours until departure, and I cannot sleep. The last week and a half back in Chicago have been phenomenal. I’ve never had such a chance to appreciate my surroundings and my friends as I have during this time. In a way, it is almost somewhat bittersweet and a little bit …

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Counting Down

Counting Down

The rest of Loyola is back on their grind, and I’m at home in the frozen Midwest for the next two weeks until I can finally land in sunny Spain. Thank goodness for Netflix. Somewhere in that period of time I should probably find a suitcase and maybe pack and brush up on my Spanish …

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