The GoGlobal Blog


Settling in, Culture Shock, and Roma 101

Settling in, Culture Shock, and Roma 101

Hi there! Thanks for reading my blog! I wanted to give you a brief introduction about myself as I start the year in Rome. I’m a junior political science major from the western suburbs of Chicago and I want to go to law school after undergrad studies (maybe I’ll wind up at Loyola!). Back on …

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Ciao a tutti! Don’t be thrown off by the fact that the first four words of this blog have been in Italian, I do not know Italian (yet). But I do know how important words are to us humans and therefore I will warn you all right here and right now that all of my …

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Day 13: Citta del Vaticano

Day 13: Citta del Vaticano

OK, so many people that I have talked to (catholic or not) have said that The Vatican is not worth it. “It’s too hot.” “It takes forever.”  Blahh blah Blah… FALSE! The Vatican is beautiful and very much worth seeing! Being catholic myself, it was very cool to see and something that is apart of …

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XI’AN BOUND: August 17, 2013

XI’AN BOUND: August 17, 2013

SILK ROAD TRIP HAD ARRIVED I was extremely excited yet also very nervous. I was about to embark on a two week trip that I now know changed my life. We were given a brief presentation on the trip to come during Orientation week and a booklet filled with the itinerary, extra information about each …

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Funny/interesting Chilean terms

Funny/interesting Chilean terms

So I had a wonderfully thoughtful and personal post that I had typed up on the plane just before actually stepping foot on the soil (or airport) of the United States again but…. I accidentally deleted it. So in lieu of that, I present you with a small list of funny words that myself and …

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Bisous (Kisses)

Bisous (Kisses)

Well here it is: my final entry. I have no idea how all this time flew by in what seems like an instant, but I can say that it has changed me as well as the way I see the world. From the international colleagues encountered in classes, to the friends both from around the …

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Sleepless in the South of France

Sleepless in the South of France

Bonjour everyone! Hope all is well! This weekend was a week of adventures and sleepless nights (that were incredibly worth it!). The fun started Thursday, after class let out, with an afternoon trip to Roussillon. We hopped on the bus for the 45 minute drive that let us out in front of a breathtaking view …

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Week 3: Getting Lost in Rome!

Week 3: Getting Lost in Rome!

Ciao tutti! I cannot believe that this is going to be my last week in Rome! Time flies when you’re having fun and seriously, I’ve been having so much fun that it has been feeling like a dream. I feel like none of these posts really capture my adventures, which is why they are so …

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