The GoGlobal Blog


A Sweet Internship

A Sweet Internship

I’m just about to start my fourth week of class. Man, does time go by fast. I arrived in Santiago on January 10 and have completed almost three months since then. All the other students and I are talking about it – we’re at the halfway point. While that’s a little sad to talk about, …

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Las Vacaciones 2 and Orientation

Las Vacaciones 2 and Orientation

I begin where I left off from my last post, so if you haven’t read my Las Vacaciones post definitely do that first and then come back and read this, they go well together. After taking three ferries and three buses, I finally arrived in La Serena after traveling all the way from Chaiten, Los …

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Traveling 101: Take it from the Inexperienced

Traveling 101: Take it from the Inexperienced

Two posts in one day, woo hoo!!  I mean, I have to…I am a little too far behind to NOT.  Whoops. Anyway, all of us here at JFoRCe (JFRC) are currently in all-out recovery mode from spring break.  I’ve never seen our IC/library so crowded, and everyone is only just now starting to complain about …

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Claddagh Rings and Gaelic Things

Claddagh Rings and Gaelic Things

Ciao tutti! Or should I say, cheers and happy days!  I know it’s been a while since my last post (whoops!) but life abroad is a busy one.  Among my studying for midterms and trying to keep my head above water at school amidst my fun (don’t worry, I’m not neglecting school!) I made my …

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Carnaval (Carnival) was celebrated in Madrid a few weekends ago. Carnaval is related to lent and involves a lot of dressing up and celebrating. You can read more about it here. Some friends and I headed out Saturday night to catch the parade. For being first-timers at the parade, we did pretty well. We showed up five …

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Honestly what can I say about Barcelona… Here’s a quote from one of my idols who summed it up perfectly: “A tourist to Europe hasn’t lived until they have visited Barcelona. The culture, the weather and the atmosphere is awesome.” –Anthony Jocius Honestly, if I can describe utter perfection, that was my time in Barcelona. …

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Spring Break couldn’t have come any sooner. Here at JFRC we get to have spring break a week after our friends back at home at Loyola Chicago. It’s really nice though because a lot of LUC students came to visit friends here at JFRC. It was like a little piece of home coming to Rome. So …

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Las Vacaciones

Las Vacaciones

It’s been a long time since my last post, but in my defense, I’ve been very busy and on the move for the past three weeks. My vacation finally concluded on Tuesday as I arrived in Santiago, and now I am going through orientation before classes start. So obviously, I have a lot to cover …

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Traveling within Spain

Traveling within Spain

Madrid has been an absolute dream, but it has been nice to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the city. I have been lucky to have the opportunity to sneak away a few times since arriving in January. There are a lot of greats cities within an hour plane ride of Madrid. …

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